Monday, February 9, 2009

Children Drawn to the Sparkle of Jewelry

Observing how a baby reacts to visual stimuli and it is easy to see how jewelry gets the attention of children and adults alike. Beauty, color and shine are universal attractants not limited to humans. Many species of animals and insects all react and respond to visual cues that often utilize elements of color and brilliance.

The effect on primitive man may be safely inferred the effect such objects produce upon infants. When an infant is shown a brilliantly colored object, they reach for it and gaze into the object. Vibrant colors pleasure the optic nerve. This can also be seen in the animal kingdom as well. Some animals especially birds will collect objects to build their nests with. The birds often travel great distances to find some of the objects. They are very meticulous and even though a similar bone may be close to their nest, they may not want it and travel a long distance to get one that looks very similar.

Jewelry designs for children have roots in many ancient cultures. Gifts of jewelry have been presented to honor the birth of child or to recognize other milestones in a childs development. Even today, many cultures adorn children with body jewelry at an early age. Body piercing is common even in western countries. It is not unusual for parents to pierce the ears of a newborn, adorning the child with earring jewelry. Though there is a great of debate surrounding this practice, it reflects customs that go back thousands of years.

Not limited to body jewelry, gifts of precious metals and gemstones for children are well documented throughout history. The Magi are said to have brought the newborn Jesus a gift of gold to honor him. Jewelry that has been in the family for many years is often given to child in hopes of carrying on a generational tradition. Birthstones, precious gems that have a connection to astrology, are common gifts for children. History is replete with stories and lore about the powers of precious gems and amulets. Bead jewelry has always had a strong cultural significance for children.

The moonstone is regarded as blessed or holy and is thought to bring good fortune to the wearer. In some cultures, the stone was thought to make the wearer invisible and is now believed by some in the New Age community to impart a level of spiritual permanence or even immortality to the wearer. It is widely believed that small children and infants are granted certain protections by owning the stone.

Along with the power of associated with gems, amulets and talisman, the sheer beauty of precious metals and gemstones is not lost on older children. In western cultures, jewelry has been thought of as an adornment primarily for females. Bracelets, rings and earrings have been considered must have items for modern girls and young women. The fascination of gold has not been lost on men and young boys.

Men have worn rings, tie tacks, stickpins and other items of jewelry as a display of wealth and influence. The late twentieth century saw a tremendous growth in the market for jewelry designed for boys and young men. In todays modern times, it is not uncommon to see young boys sporting earrings and body piercings. The hip hop culture has had a tremendous influence, creating a completely new language to describe flashy, audacious jewelry.

Even though the bling has become the thing for many kids today, traditional jewelry gifts for young men and boys are still popular. Whether a watch to signify graduation from school or a class ring.

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How Jewelry Can Help With Charity

Jewelry (joias) is a common fashion item, worn by men, women and children alike regardless of social status. It is used for adornment and as a show of wealth or position around the globe. It is produced in thousands of tonnes every year, ranging from simple beaded jewelry to expensive and intricate gold pieces. It makes a statement about the wearer, and was as much a part of society in ancient times as it is in modern living.

However, recent trends towards the environment and economical situations worldwide have enabled jewelry (joias) to be used in a much more important way than mere investment or adornment. It is now being used to assist good causes and aid charities with funding.

The concept of charity is long established in the fashion industry, and now there is an influx of similar events around jewelry design, manufacture and production. Charity jewelry (joias) is a fantastic choice for many reasons. The obvious reason is that it raises money for a good cause. However, on another note it is often designed by famous designers at a fraction of the cost. It is often limited edition or unique in design, with each piece being hand made. It is a beautiful gift but has the added value of aiding a good cause. In time, the piece will become collectable.

One way in which jewelry (joias) is helping good causes is through charity events such as fashion shows. These fundraiser shows support specific causes with a donation of sales going to the named charity. Other features include famous designers providing designs for free to attract interest, or other famous names donating pieces to jewelry auctions with the funds donated.

Awareness jewelry is also a popular approach, with all major charities such as cancer research selling pin badges, ribbons and charity bands for small donations.

Another way in which jewelry (joias) is helping charities is through non profit charity organisations. These organisations encourage communities in need of financial assistance to create jewelry based on attainable natural resources including seeds, wood and semi precious stones such as jade. This enables communities in need to raise money which can be invested in areas that require urgent funding.

One such example is based in Africa. This charity supports rural villages and refugee camps by selling their handmade jewelry (joias) over the internet with the money that is raised funding their own eye care expenses. Other examples include organisations which work globally to rebuild lives of children and women at risk. The products are made by the people that receive the funds, creating employment and money raising opportunities.

Fair trade is a recognised organisation which is backed by the world leaders of the richest countries. They ensure that the jewelry (joias) they sell contains materials that respect conservation areas, that products replanted where possible and that any hazardous waste materials are disposed of correctly. This aids regeneration whilst ascertaining fair prices and employment for third world producers of jewelry and materials. There are 40,000 traders in America alone producing fair trade products, which include linens, food and jewelry. Products can be bought on the high street and are available also online for better marketing and availability.

Jewelry makers are also looking at the resources used. Precious metals are limited and so the amount released for the purpose of jewelry making is monitored yearly. It is environmentally safe as it is recycled as heirlooms and collectables. This means that jewelry (joias) is not destroying the earth supplies. Mining is safer for workers and the environment in modern day also. Another popular trend is to use natural and sustainable ingredients such as seeds, wood and semi precious stones, with recycled packaging.

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Fashion Jewelry to Match Your Moods

If you are a person who wants to look good in everyway then this article will pacify your fashion instincts a bit. Find the best fashion jewelry to compliment your dress worn casually or at parties and ceremonies.

Is it like you always keep wondering to wear the perfect jewelry that goes with your dress, I may guide you what to wear with your favorite dresses.

Casual kind people should spice up their looks with light gemstone jewelry or custom gemstone beaded jewelry that is available at the most affordable rates in the market. Have a collection of this exquisite gemstone jewelry in different colors and designs in your wardrobe and you can wear these with your day-to-day clothes. You can add sparkle in your looks by adoring cool diamond studded earrings or diamond hoops that can be worn on all occasions or daily with every dress you prefer to wear.

People preferring to wear tiptop dresses should go for discount diamond jewelry or handcrafted cheap pearl jewelry. A spectacular shine of a diamond can work wonders for you to look stunningly beautiful. Diamonds-the most precious and most expensive are available in different varieties and shapes too. Take a pick from your nearest or online jewelry store where you can find wholesale discount diamond jewelry to match your costumes perfectly.

If you are want to look good in a shimmering silver jewelry then you should go for trendy wholesale fashion sterling silver jewelry. Jewelry to go with all dresses, silver jewelry is the favorite choice from the ancient times. You can find the best silver jewelry sets at the most reasonable rates in the market.

In evening functions and parties you must wear some eye-catching jewelry that glorifies your beauty in all ways. Always try to adore titanium amethyst jewelry, glittering gold jewelry, platinum jewelry, antique silver jewelry, black or white diamond jewelry or sparkling gemstones to relish your inner self-esteem wearing these outstanding designs.

Give your looks a boost of the day by complimenting your dress with the perfect wholesale jewelry and carry yourself lavishly in a cool and contended attitude

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Buying Fashion Jewelry Pieces From Wholesale Jewelry Stores

There is an air of sophistication that can be found in beautifully crafted jewelry. For the most part you will see these types of jewelry at reputed and ordinary jewelry stores. You can also buy fashion jewelry that is not as expensive as the other higher priced jewelry which may have precious gemstones mounted on them. These fashion jewelry pieces can be bought from wholesale jewelry stores. From these places you will be able to choose a variety of jewelry that appeals to you.

The many different wholesale jewelry stores will have a different selection of goods. You can find good quality and reasonable jewelry that you can afford at these places. While they are not made with precious gemstones or other types of expensive metals you will still find some unusual pieces of jewelry in these wholesale jewelry stores.

Generally you can find bead jewelry, silver jewelry and ethnic jewelry at these wholesale jewelry stores. There may be times when you can find jewelry making tools and equipment for sale at these wholesale jewelry stores too.

Depending on the type of wholesale jewelry store that you are considering buying these jewelry pieces from, you will find jewelry that you can mix and match or ones that have the look of understated elegance that is found in high end jewelry stores. Many times you will find that wholesale jewelry stores have a wider selection since they cater to many different types of jewelry lovers.

These wholesale jewelry stores can be found when you look for them in your local yellow pages or even the internet. Before you make any actual choices you should look through the entire range of a number of wholesale jewelry stores. This way you will have an idea of the selection that is available. You will also be able to find the comparative prices and what sort of policies these places have in regard to returns, defects and exchanges.

Once you are satisfied with your purchase choice and you have no problems with the price that is needed to be paid, you are ready for your wholesale jewelry delivery. There is only one thing that you need to do and that is to wait until you have received the jewelry. This way you can judge if you will be buying any more jewelry from the various wholesales jewelry stores.

With wholesale jewelry you have the added advantage owning remarkable pieces of jewelry at very affordable prices. These pieces of jewelry will allow you the satisfaction of mixing and matching these wholesale jewelry pieces to make fantastic jewelry creations that are yours alone.

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The Basics of Making Fimo Beads

Making beaded jewelry can be a fun and even profitable hobby. However, nothing quite compares to the satisfaction and admiration that can come from making your own customized beads. But, exactly how do you make your own beads?

One of the most popular styles of beads today, is the fimo bead. Fimo beads are made from polymer clay that is molded and baked. With the right tools and techniques, you can create a large variety of shapes and designs for your beads. This article is going to focus on the basics steps needed for all fimo bead making.

• Prepare the Clay

Soften your clay by kneading small portions with your hands until it is warm, stretchy and moldable. This is also the right time to mix any colors together if you are trying to make a custom color or marbled effect. Make sure to work out any air bubbles. A good way to do this is to roll your clay flat using an acrylic rolling pin.

• Shape the Clay

Using your hands or a sheet of plexiglass, shape your beads. You can make them into balls, squares, logs of multiple colors rolled together and sliced, or any other shape you can think of. You are only limited by your imagination.

• Make the Hole

Assuming you plan on stringing your beads, you are going to have to make holes in them. You can do this before or after baking. The easier method is to make the hole beforehand. To do this, gentle twist a skewer back and forth into your beads. Place multiple beads on one skewer for baking and make sure they don’t touch one another. Alternately, you can drill holes in your beads after baking. Drilling is more difficult, but won’t distort the shape of your beads.

• Bake the Beads

Again, making sure that the beads don’t touch one another, suspend the beads on skewers over a metal pan or tray. If you are drilling holes afterwards, place the beads gently between two pieces of cardboard. Bake the beads according to the instructions for the type of polymer clay that you purchased. This usually takes about 30 minutes in your own oven.

• Finishing Touches

Once your beads have cooled, slowly remove the beads from the skewers and sand any rough spots that may have developed from making the holes. Spray them with a coat of varnish to make them shiny, if desired.

There you have it: the basics for making your own fimo beads. Have fun!
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Bead Earrings – Add Flair to your Personality by Wearing Them

Bead earrings are a fashionable method to add accessories to your outfit. What began as a crafting idea has developed into a large variety of fun and fashionable earrings. You may purchase or make funky earrings to enhance your personality. Even more costly earrings can be purchased with beads, crystals and gold joining together to make pretty designs.

You can have basic bead earrings which have three or more beads combining to make earrings, and more jazzy earrings which have crystals, twists in the wire or even feathers. The various designs give you facility to match your dress or your mood to the earrings. These are quite popular with belly dancers who have beads on their dresses and they match their bead earrings to beads on their dresses or even with their belly button ring.

Bead earrings can be had online on many craft sites, at accessory shops or you may go searching at local craft fairs for bead earrings and other beaded jewelry straight from the crafters hands. Another place to get original bead earrings which are made of beads is the bug market. There are some designs available there which you will not easily find anywhere else.

It will be fun to make your own bead earrings. Bead earring making is an easy project to began and complete with guidance and ideas from internet and also in many craft books. You just need wire, beads, wire cutters and pliers, you may make earrings of your own designs and show off your talent and your achievement. Earring backs and basic earrings to which you wish to add beads can be had at many craft shops along with beading supplies.

Make your own polished bead earrings. Bead earrings may be made with various beads like seed beads, chevron beads, fire polished beads or shaped hematite beads. You can find hearts, stars and even penguins. Utilize twists and curls in the wire to add flare to your design. While you are making a few pairs for yourself, you can also make some for your friends and family. As you are well aware handmade things are a rarity in America and people are going to love and adore you for giving them a gift of handmade earrings. A woman who wears earrings is simply going to love you at the idea of receiving a gift of earrings handmade especially by you just for her.

For those who don’t have time or inclination to make it themselves, bead earrings can be custom designed for them by skilled craftsmen. You have to ensure that the craftsmen uses good quality materials so that your bead earrings will last longer and remain nice looking.

Bead earrings are a nice method to add color and variety to your clothes and your personality. Whether you make them yourself or have them custom made they make your personality look attractive.

Whether you are a fresher or an old professional these bead earrings are quick to make and have variety of designs.

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Walking to the History of the Native American Jewelry

The origins of the Native American jewelry dates back to an earlier era and then go the history books. Since the Americans have been around much longer then the first recorded comments by Europeans or Spanish, it is difficult to say how far back the trends, patterns and techniques of hand made Native American jewelry when go back. What is certain is that the customs that have lasted the test of time. Nowadays we can see new age jewelry, healing gems and jewelry to a range of other styles with original ideas of Native American jewelry.

The great thing about Native American jewelry is the diversity and history differs with the region, it is coming from. South West such as Apache or Navajo Indians have been influenced by the Spaniards and those who have already adopted the pueblo culture in their place of the 14-15th century. A common feature of the hand made Native American jewelry is beads.

Beads have a long custom in all sorts of necklaces, bracelets and others. At the time of Apache and Navajo, the amount of beads they had on their jewelry was a representation of wealth, status and authority.

The spread of bead jewelry was found throughout the South-West because tribes like Navajo were roaming to help subsidize cruel farming circumstances in the desert climate. Today we can see a spread of the hands of the Native American jewelry because of online jewelry retailers and stores crafted after Indian civilization. It is good to know that the ethnicity of the past will continue in the future because of movements like New Age or stores that sell products that mimic of Native American Jewelry.

Many people judge diamonds of the most valued stone, but this does not mean that it is the only stone to work. Emerald, amethyst and malachite jewelry can be as breathtaking. May you ask how other metals and non-ingenious stone is part of the Indian ritual.

Outside the compromise and a roaming lifestyle of many tribes especially in the Southwest took specific metals and stones from those they conquered who were mostly in Spanish for the Navajo. Understanding the jewel you wear can do much more than special. Not to mention that when room catches the eye of someone else you can tell a story about the place where traditions, metals and stones were obtained from. Another great thing about categories such as jewelry New Age is that bit different tribes and traditions are sometimes mixed to create a stunner. Before buying a Native American Jewelry, be sure to get backside on history when he comes and what it means. Good luck hunting for buying Native American jewels.
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stylish Fashion Jewelry for Coming Holiday’s

Party time is on and definitely you are looking for some thing trendy and stylish. In this article you will find some hottest collection of necklace, bracelets, earring, and bangles for this winter

Necklaces and earring: It's no secret that the necklaces making the biggest statements this season are elongated and bold in design, or simple but worn in multiple long layers. latest design metal necklace and earring set in t. Blue shade one of most popular jewelry sets , Bring this Ethnic Glamour to your look with this hanging look pendant jewelry set with matching earrings. This metal necklace & earrings combination is sure to put all eyes on you.

You can also try long Multiple strands of glass beads in Blue tone with three carved metals balls makes it a priced possession.. This beaded jewelry will enhance your complete persona.

Bangles : If you are looking for bangles try latest fashion Hand painted wood bangles in assorted colors and glossy finish it comes into collection of 6 to 12 pc. And cost you as low as 2$. It comes into variety of color. Another hottest collection in bangles is thin Diamond Cut Gold Polished Bangles .This beautiful designer 12pc thin diamond cut Gold Polished bangle set is available at any online shop. This best seller diamond Bangles is preeminent suited for all occasion such as wedding, party, out going.

Bracelet: Bone beaded elastic are also most popular among girls, various design are available such as Sheer elegant 8 strand bone beaded stretch bracelet. it is a Masterpiece. Show off your feminine side with this beautiful Bone bracelet. Contrasting blue and white bone beads create a stunning, luminous accessory. Each bead is beauty in itself and the colors match any look at anytime. Oval shaped agate bracelet is also popular among youngsters as it brings good fortune for you with fashion in the mind.

Earrings: Small earrings has gone and replaced by longer, more linear designs and bold hoops. But the new styles often incorporate many of the same elements found in the traditional chandeliers we love, like dangles, clusters, and fringes. So don't be afraid to give these newer pieces a try.

Colorful Patina Earring with a large assortment of colors and sizes, these earrings are popular as a perfect matching for ANY outfit. You will be blown away by the compliments these simple and affordable earrings will get you. . Check out all the different sizes and colors! We have great collection of gift item and fashionable jewelry at affordable price with quality work. Low price! Buy a variety.

List is too long to write in this article you may visit for Modern and traditional, beautiful, colored, fashionable what ever you are looking for we have wide collection of fashion jewelry is available at this shop. Check out all the different sizes and colors! Treasure jewelry has great collection of gift item and fashionable jewelry at affordable price with quality work. Low price! Buy a variety.

Further Reading:
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Winter Jewelry Trend Forecast is Bright

The word jewelry is derived from the Latin word 'jocale' meaning plaything. Fashion jewelry is inexpensive to moderately priced jewelry such as a necklace, ring or bracelet, made up of semi-precious or simulated stones, metals and other materials like crystals, glass, brass, wood, leather, silver and more, designed to wear with current fashions. Fashion jewelry can be categorized on the basis of the material it is made of like brass, silver, wood, beaded etc.
The material used in making fashion jewelry is usually cost effective and trendy. Some of the examples of fashion jewelry are brass jewelry, leather jewelry, beaded jewelry, mixed metal jewelry, gemstone jewelry and costume jewelry.

Fashion jewelry is made in all sorts of styles from contemporary mod inspired filigree earrings to mixed metals necklaces hanging at various lengths. Fashion jewelry can also be classified on the popularity of the products available in the market for example cocktails rings, brass bangles, chunky crystals, faceted stones, leather cuffs, beaded necklaces, symbol statements encrusted with jewels. Fashion jewelry is very much in demand because it is stylish and trendy and is available at affordable prices. You can find all of these elements and some of the most stunning artisan crafted jewelry at 3bjewels.

The exceptional handcrafted jewelry at Beryl Blush Blonde Jewelry is a refreshing choice when it comes to fashion jewelry, as they incorporate all of the exciting new jewelry trends along with classic elements at an affordable price to satisfy any woman’s fashion jewelry indulgence. The handcrafted custom designer jewelry encourages you to get edgy this season with jet black, inky beads, burnished mixed metals and chunky bright crystals. The artisan jewelry designers say to experiment with pyramid faceted stones, shimmering beads and wrap bracelets for ultra glam. Or, refresh your look with updated, chic sophistication. Explore nouveau vintage inspired jewelry with layers of delicate chain and filigree pendants. Whichever you decide you will make a confident statement showing off a fabulous piece from the Beryl Blush Blonde fashion jewelry collection at 3bjewels.

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Most Needed Jewelry Tools

The hardest part for jewelry makers who are relatively new to this profession is how to get started with daunting task of jewelry making. The market has a range of jewelry tools to offer that can help create a business venture or a hobby just with the use of certain jewelry tools starting from tweezers, diamond cutters, pliers, brushes, files, gauges etc. which could be purchased on order any time.

So if you ever think of turning jewelry making as a fruitful venture then you might think of some jewelry tools which come very handy.

We are about to discuss some of the basic jewelry making tools that you might need to give a beaded necklace or bracelet a professional look.

4 in 1tool-
The best tool known as the 4 in 1 tools is basically a pair jewelry plier that smoothly cut wires, crush crimps and can tuck or pull a wire with no hassles.

Wire Cutter-
This is jewelry tool is a wire cutter also known as flush cutters and is designed in such a unique fashion that leaves one side of the cut wire flat while the other side relatively sharp.

Crimping Pliers-
These wonderful set of pliers are the best thing ever happened to beaded jewelry. It specially comes extremely handy while positioning the crimps so that wearing the jewelry adds to its comfort value and also gives it a professional too.

Split Rings and Split Ring Pliers-
Split rings are the jump rings that have two layers of wire-they look like mini key chain rings. These are especially helpful for children’s jewelry as they offer added security when latching on to the clasps or holding on to them in a charm form.

Beading Boards and Beading Mats-
Beading boards are a great when you want to design or take measurements for your jewelry. It has lots of grooves to keep the beads separately while you’re working on it. On the other hand beading mats are soft, machine washable and also help to keep your designs in place.

These are some of the most common jewelry making tools that can make the job of crafting your favorite jewelry much easier. All you need to do is research on what you would need for your requirements, and then go ahead and search them online.
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Be Unique and Glamorous With Handmade Glass Bead Bracelets

The right glass bead bracelet can make you be admired by others and place you into the best dressed category. Being both timeless and classic, they are the best fashion accessories you can wear with any outfit. The versatility and natural brilliancy of color puts glass bead bracelets in great demand by those who seek to make the right fashion statement.

If you need the perfect piece of jewelry to compliment your outfit without over powering, then you should buy a handmade glass bead bracelet. The lavish feel and delicate twinkle of glass bead bracelets caters to the tastes of those who generally prefer to pair them with formal attire. The bold vibrant colors offered by glass bead bracelets make for a dramatic statement and appeal to those who want to add a touch of originality to their every day casual attire. So whether you are wearing an evening gown or jeans and a tee shirt, glass bead bracelets make for the proper accessory to complete your ensemble.

Glass bead jewelry artist carefully craft each glass bead with intricate details to create amazing artistic designs. Glass bead jewelry artists, such as DK, are able to use their creativity to craft stunning, chic and trendy styles. The one of a kind style that is given to each glass bead bracelet is what makes it a wonderful way to express your personality and create your own personal statement.

No two glass bead bracelets are exactly alike. Glass bead bracelets are handcrafted from a wide assortment of glass beads that vary by color, shape, and size. Sometimes sterling silver beads and Swarovski crystals are included to add to the distinctiveness of each glass bead bracelet. The uniqueness of each one adds to its value, making it the perfect treasure to pass along as a family heirloom or a gift to give to a loved one to make them feel special.

Make your family and friends feel special by giving them the perfect unforgettable gift, a custom handmade glass bead bracelet.

If you have the desire to be admired or stand out in the crowd, create your own style statement by adding a custom handmade glass bead bracelet as the ideal fashion accessory to complete your outfit. Put away your common fashion jewelry in exchange for beautiful contemporary handmade glass bead jewelry that is sure to get you noticed.
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About Jewelry Making

Jewelry making is an art. Making beaded jewelry is the least expensive hobbies you can try, all you need is a needle and thread and some beads! Of course, there are many other options for materials. The materials you use will depend on the type of beading that you want to do. There are a lot of different beadwork techniques, some common among them are beads on string, beads with wirework, bead weaving, embroidery and knitting and crocheting with beads offer additional creative outlets for beaders. We are Wholesalers of Fashion Imitation Jewelry in India Delhi we supply jewelry at best wholesale prices.

Not all materials are suitable for making jewelry. Even fewer materials are suitable for piercings and body jewelry. Some of the commonly used materials are steel, titanium, acrylic, glass, ivory and wood. There are some general factors which have to be kept in mind when choosing a material for jewelry making, sine some problems can be arrived while using few materials in jewelry making. The advantage of purchasing directly from the jewelry designers is that the customers can expect consistently high quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, which leads to increased durability and value.
Also there are many career options related to jewelry, requiring a wide range of skills and offering a wide range of rewards. There are part-time, full-time, and self-employed options. Some positions require no experience and others require specialized education or apprenticeship. You can choose to be a Craft Jewelry Maker, Custom/Special Order Jeweler, Designer, Diamond Dealer, Fashion Jeweler, Gemologist, Goldsmith, Production Manager and many more options are there.

While making jewelry you also have to keep in mind the different sizes of jewelry for your target customer. People come in different sizes, which is why many necklaces, bracelets, and anklets come with extension chains. Jewelry store jewelry, however, tends to be made in standard lengths. If you make your own jewelry you can customize your pieces to fit the wearer. There are some common lengths for commercial or production line jewelry.

If you want unique jewelry designs then going to the jewelry making designers and their stores is the best option. These designers do custom work for their customers who desire exclusive designs. You can design one of a kind jewelry with an art of jewelry making. The most important point in jewelry making is that you have to be creative. Well, you don't have to be a professional to make fancy jewelry. There are some real jewelry making techniques you can learn, and they are pretty easy. Plus, there are many beautiful jewelry creations you can make without using any special techniques!

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A Review of The Bead Retreat Income Opportunity

Bead Retreat is a new concept in home parties. There is a never ending array of home party businesses cropping up around the world. There are home decorating parties, food parties, even candle parties. And there are craft parties. Welcome to Bead Retreat, a home party business that allows the customers the opportunity to create beautiful piece of beaded jewelry.

Started in 2001, Bead Retreat began from the love of making beaded jewelry between friends Cindi Swett and Lesa Shepherd. One was making jewelry as a hobby, the other to use in her direct sales program as items for sale. As people asked both ladies where they got the beautiful jewelry each was wearing, the friends realized they could start a business teaching others how to enjoy this simple and fun hobby. The company Bead Retreat was born. They went on to become involved in the Dignity U Wear Foundation program, and $5.00 of each sale of the Dignity U bracelets goes to the foundation to provide new clothing to needy children and their families. The company is a part of the Direct Sellers Association.

Referring to their parties as 'bead retreats', the company offers a full line of beads and bead accessories necessary to create a unique piece of jewelry at a party. Kits are also available and there are six levels of hostess incentives that can be attained. Bead Retreat guests are able to make their piece of jewelry in an hour or less with the guidance and assistance of the party coordinator. Guests of the bead retreat will pay a fee of $10.00 plus the cost of the kit they have selected prior to the party to cover the cost of the piece of jewelry they will make.

There are also supplemental items available as the company promotes specials. Prices for beads, supplies, and kits are currently unavailable as the .PDF version of the main catalog is not properly downloading for viewing. The supplemental catalog, however, featuring the fall 2007 line, will download, although very slow. Prices in the supplemental catalog start as low as $5.00 for an earring kit and go as high as $29.00 for an intricate necklace kit.

Coordinators are the Bead Retreat sales representatives who help a hostess put on a party. Coordinators immediately earn 23% commission on all product sales with the first party they conduct. They also receive $10.00 per guest for each party. There are also other incentives but the company requests that the prospective coordinator contact them for more information. A new coordinator incentive program is offered to help the coordinator gain needed supplies, such as design boards, display pieces, and extra beads.

Two starter kits are offered, one for $79.00 and one for $175.00 with enough supplies to start the home party business immediately. Bead Retreat trains their coordinators how to do the basic paperwork as well as the techniques required to make the beaded jewelry. Monthly team meetings and two annual conferences are also offered to help the coordinator keep on top of the company's last trends and techniques.

A unique home selling party concept, Bead Retreat is perfect for the prospective coordinator who has a love of craft and jewelry. The starter kits are well stocked and this could easily be a lucrative business venture in the hands of a creative person who has the time and inclination to teach others.
Further Reading:
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Making Your Own Jewelry Series Part 4

I decided to look through my jewelry box today just to analyze what type of jewelry I tend to purchase for myself. I was curious if to see how much beaded jewelry I had as opposed to wire jewelry or if I just had sterling silver jewelry that would be made by someone who does metalsmithing. I found that I had a lot more variety than I thought! We are going to continue with our series on how to make your own jewelry today. I am still in awe of the vastly different ways there are to make jewelry! Yesterday we talked about wire jewelry and today we are going to talk about beaded jewelry.

Even with in the context of beaded jewelry, there are so many types to choose from. There is glass beading, seed beading, and even hemp beading. Beading, like wire jewelry is a good for a beginner from a basic skill and cost point. I am going to just give you a list of basic tools that you will need to help get you started.

First off, you need a pair of round nose pliers. As I said before earlier in the series, these are used for making loops or curling pieces of wire you are stringing the beads on. Flat nosed pliers are also good as they do very smooth on the inside and wont make patterns or mark up the wire you are working with. Glue and scissors the last two things you need to get to work.

Now let’s talk about supplies. You need to consider the type of beads you want to work with. I just have to say that if gemstones are your thing then you have got to check out the huge selection at You can also get other basic jewelry making supplies there to get you started. Nylon string or beading wire are 2 options to string the beads with. Findings (a word that describes all the stuff needed to string your beads together) that are needed to begin would be crimping beads, ear hooks, head pins, jump rings, clasps and bead tips. Just go on line and find a few simple bead designs to help you on your way.

Tomorrow we finish up with a few more types of jewelry making. I hope you are inspired to use your creative juices and learn a new hobby. I am not exactly sure my husband is as excited about this as I am but I will just have to remind him of his much more expensive hobbies…like golf and all will be good!

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How to Make a Beautiful Beaded Necklace

Beaded jewelry is appreciated all over the world because it comes in many different colors, can be easily matched with any outfit and most of all it is totally affordable. A beautiful beaded necklace is not very difficult to make at home. All you need is a sample pattern, some colorful beads or crystals, a string and a toggle clasp. Thousands of lovely designs are available on the internet which can be utilized to make gorgeous and one-of-a-kind beaded jewelry articles. Handcrafted jewelry is attractive because it also reflects your inner taste and personality. You can choose personalized charms and lovely beads to make a choker at home that expresses your style.

Strong, nylon-covered wires or strings are often used for making beaded chokers. These wires are flexible so that one can easily twist and turn them to create wonderful designs. There are many types of beads available on the market that can be used for making beaded jewelry articles. Some of the popular ones include glass beads, luster beads, pony beads, seed beads, and faceted beads. If you are making a personalized choker or bracelet you can also choose alphabet beads made of plastic. These beads are available in packs and are priced by weight. They are quite inexpensive.

Some other types of beads are also utilized by jewelry makers all over the world. These beads, although not very popular, are simply exquisite. A gorgeous beaded necklace can be made by using these beads which include cloisonné beads, lampwork beads, bugle beads, vintage beads and lead crystal beads. In addition to these, artificial gemstone beads are also commonly used to impart an expensive look to the choker. Fake pearls and simulated gemstones including diamond simulates come under this category. Artistic jewelry articles are made by using furnace glass beads and vintage beads.

First of all you need to determine the length of your choker. There are different styles of necklaces and all are prepared by using different string lengths. For example there is a Y-shaped choker which can be made with a dangling crystal pendant or a large gemstone. A briolette wrap necklace is another choice which can be made by using wire techniques. These techniques include how to make a simple, double or a wrapped loop, how to make a spiral and a connector, how to make a briolette wrap and how to make jump rings. You need to master these simple tricks to make lovely beaded jewelry at home.

So, you see there are countless ways of making a gorgeous and unique beaded necklace with your own hands. Once you have perfected the basic steps needed to create a beaded jewelry article, you would want to try many different patterns and artwork to turn your imagination into lovely pieces of jewelry. Beaded chokers are admired all over the world and they can also be given as memorable gifts on all occasions. If you also want to make your own personalized beaded choker, check out various options available along with the collection of multi-colored, beautiful beads and crystals.
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Beading in High Fashion and Everyday Wear

Beads hold ancient roots, and their cultural significance can be traced to their early use in bartering. Beads served as a primitive currency, and they still retain their value today. In modern times they are found in the form of decoration as jewelry, rather than money.

In earlier times, beads were made from a variety of materials from fishbone right through to teeth and as cultures become more sophisticated, so did the materials that beads were made from.

In ancient days, people fashioned beads from a variety of materials. Early materials ranged from fish bones to teeth. As cultures grew increasingly sophisticated, so did the beads, techniques and materials with which they were created.

Today, beads are mostly used in jewelry making, textile embellishment and in the fashion industry. To yield a more "designer look," crafters often choose glass lamp-work beads over plastic buttons in garments. Costume jewelers and makers of "fine jewelry" utilize a diversity of beads, which vary in intricacy of design. This adds a look of quality and uniqueness to their work.

Fine jewelry houses predominantly use precious and semi-precious gemstone beads; the costume jewelry industry more often uses beads made of plastic, acrylic, wood and glass. Skilled artists can use the inherent versatility and wide range of designs, manipulating beads in many ways to create their pieces. Endless stringing combinations, and a plethora of cuts and finishes ensures that beaded jewelry needs never look dull, boring or dated.

Recently, the home crafts market has seen an explosion in the use and sale of beads. For example, they used to serve exclusively as small, detailed embellishments for needle work projects. The last decade, however, has seen a surge of interest in beads. Accordingly, craft project hobbies (a.k.a. making classic jewelry, beaded candle holders, curtains, and wind charms) have also enjoyed increased popularity.

In fashion, there has been a resurgence of the "hippie Bohemian" look; people have consequently returned to using beads in the art of jewelry making. Beads have come to signify uniqueness in style and individual expression. They provide a new, modern look in fashion. In the 1970s, the public saw home made jewelry as a symbol of the "hippie" culture. Long strands of love beads were as interesting as things got. As the internet blazed into the forefront of popular culture in society, the jewelry making market saw direct impact. Now crafters may easily communicate with each other, sharing techniques and setting trends.

Ultimately, the bead charm bracelet is an example of how a classic, Bohemian theme can be applied to create a contemporary look. The charm bracelet made its first appearance in jewelry during the 1950s. It has remained popular ever since, but has been largely limited to classic jewelry lines in the form of precious metals.

The 1970s, for instance, witnessed a resurgence in popularity of Bohemian culture in fashion. It empowered home jewelry makers to use their love of beads to update the classic" look. Suddenly, charm bracelets with colorful glass beads were everywhere. One could see them on catwalks in high fashion, as well as on the streets. The home crafter could select from a large variety of beads to create his or her own style and unique fashion statement.

Styles come and go, but beads will always be in vogue. Whether you prefer an elegant, long string of pearls or a plastic stretchy bead bracelet, the bead is here to stay.
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Fashion Jewelry on the Rise

The word jewelry is derived from the Latin word 'jocale' meaning plaything. Fashion jewelry is inexpensive to moderately priced jewelry such as a necklace, ring or bracelet, made up of semi-precious or simulated stones, metals and other materials like crystals, glass, brass, wood, leather, silver and more, designed to wear with current fashions. Fashion jewelry can be categorized on the basis of the material it is made of like brass, silver, wood, beaded etc.
The material used in making fashion jewelry is usually cost effective and trendy. Some of the examples of fashion jewelry are brass jewelry, leather jewelry, beaded jewelry, mixed metal jewelry, gemstone jewelry and costume jewelry.

Fashion jewelry is made in all sorts of styles from contemporary mod inspired filigree earrings to mixed metals necklaces hanging at various lengths. Fashion jewelry can also be classified on the popularity of the products available in the market for example cocktails rings, brass bangles, chunky crystals, faceted stones, leather cuffs, beaded necklaces, symbol statements encrusted with jewels. Fashion jewelry is very much in demand because it is stylish and trendy and is available at affordable prices. You can find all of these elements and some of the most stunning artisan crafted jewelry at 3bjewels.

The exceptional handcrafted jewelry at Beryl Blush Blonde Jewelry is a refreshing choice when it comes to fashion jewelry, as they incorporate all of the exciting new jewelry trends along with classic elements at an affordable price to satisfy any woman’s fashion jewelry indulgence. The handcrafted custom designer jewelry encourages you to get edgy this season with jet black, inky beads, burnished mixed metals and chunky bright crystals. The artisan jewelry designers say to experiment with pyramid faceted stones, shimmering beads and wrap bracelets for ultra glam. Or, refresh your look with updated, chic sophistication. Explore nouveau vintage inspired jewelry with layers of delicate chain and filigree pendants. Whichever you decide you will make a confident statement showing off a fabulous piece from the Beryl Blush Blonde fashion jewelry collection at 3bjewels.

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Wholesale Freshwater Pearl Akoya Pearl Tahitian Pearl Jewelrys Pearl Beads in Strand

Our own pearl farm lies in Zhuji city ,Zhejiang province,Where are known as "Country of freshwater pearls". It is principally engaged in the pearl breeding,pearl deep process,pearl grading, pearl jewelry products and pearl R&D. Furthermore we also carefully choose some top quality pearls from our other pearl farmers. Besides the market of mainland China and Hong Kong, Top Pearl Jewelry begun to export & wholesale CHINESE AKOYA SALTWATER PEARLS directly form our family pearl farms via the Internet from 2000. There are no middlemen - no importers,no national distributors,no retail vendors - between our customers and our pearl farms, so we can offer the world's finest pearls with reasonable prices and high quality.

Now our online jewelry store mainly wholesale freshwater pearl & akoya pearl jewelry & tahitian pearl , pearl necklace , pearl bracelets , pearl earrings , pearl pendants , and loose pearl beads , coral jewelry ,turquoise jewelry , crystal,jade,shell jewelry,lampwork jewelry , gemstone jewelry , wish pearl gift sets,oysters with pearls. All jewelry products are almost handmade. In addition, our online wholesale jewelry store also supplies jewelry raw materials - freshwater pearls,akoya pearl beads & strands, coral beads, turquoise,shell beads,jewelry class fittings, jewelry making kits.

Our online wholesale store has our own jewelry designers, we're continuing to design new jewelry styles - Crystal & pearl jewelry, fine pearl jewelry such as bridal jewelry series,anniversary pearl jewelry, and beautiful graduation pearl jewelry. Custom jewelry designs are welcome.

In China's jewelry industry, we are not enough a big guy, but our Professional Foreign Trade,Good English Communication, Product Quality, Competitive Price and On-time Delivery earn us the reputation in our clients all over ther world.
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Handmade Jewelry is the Perfect Fashion Accessory

If you have been looking for a fashion accessory to modernize your wardrobe and add an artistic flair to your personal style, then you should purchase some handmade jewelry. Handmade jewelry pieces are timeless fashion accessories, adding style and beauty to any ensemble. Even as fashion changes, handmade jewelry will always be in style. The unique patterns and colors of handmade jewelry contribute to their popularity in the fashion world.

Handmade jewelry is special and can be used as an extension of your personality. Adding handmade jewelry accessories to your outfit will let everyone know you have a perfect sense of fashion. The unique embellishments and materials used in handmade jewelry allow you to make a stunning personal statement that others can’t help but to take notice of. With handmade jewelry it is easy to find the right color and style that perfectly suits your look and personality.

For centuries, jewelry artists have crafted handmade jewelry from a variety of materials, the most popular being glass beads. Glass beads are amazingly vibrant in color and are used to make necklaces, earrings bracelets and rings. With their bold designs and rich colors, there is absolutely no wonder why handmade glass bead jewelry has become one of the leading fashion accessories.

The best quality handmade glass bead jewelry is made by glass bead artists, whose creative passion is reflected in each glass beads they create. Compared to machine made jewelry, handmade glass bead jewelry has more vivid colors, unique patterns and a higher sparkle quality. The glass beads handmade by glass bead artists offer a vast range of designs, from a rich chocolate color to soft transparent lite green colors edged with an earthy band to striking black and white dotted swirl patterns.

If you want to make a lasting impression then, handmade glass bead jewelry is perfect for you. Glass beads offer a wide variety of styles and colors making them perfect for any outfit or occasion. From your casual weekend outfit, to your professional business suit or sexy black dress handmade glass bead jewelry is sure to add a touch of bold sophistication. When you wear a stunning piece of handmade glass bead jewelry you will always make the right fashion statement.

Enhance the beauty of your jewelry collection by adding handmade glass bead jewelry. You’ll never have to worry about what type of jewelry to wear for that perfect occasion. Handmade jewelry is the one fashion accessory that will never go out of style and can last a lifetime. So, if you are ready to make a dramatic statement with your very own handmade glass jewelry piece, visit now.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Indian Beads are Perfect for Jewelry Making

India has a vast diversity and abundance of handicraft source. It is one of the worlds biggest producer of handmade products, still India is a labour based country, and still Indian product has signature of its makers.

In the field of jewelry India has its own unique class. Its designs are magnificent and classical. Beads contribute a vital part of jewelry market in India and they are admired through out the world.

India produces variety of beads such as glass beads, wood beads, clay beads, horn beads, metal beads, ceramic beads, lac beads and many more. Crystal beads are very popular due to their transparent and clear nature which makes them shine with any type of accessories. Indian handmade beads are one of the most demanded beads in the world. The majestic handwork of the Indian expert craftsman has made these beads very popular all around. Lac beads are generally handmade and are greatly admired by people all over the world for its exclusive handwork.

Glass beads occupy the biggest bead market in India and are available in variety of colors, designs and shapes. Indian glass beads are exported in all countries as they are cheaper and have great finish. Wood beads are also available in abundance, carved wood beads and painted wood beads are the two main streams under which wood is processed to make beads. Although ceramic beads don’t have as big market as glass or wood beads but it has a great potential. The shiny finish of ceramic beads makes them very attractive.

The main thing which has lead to the extensive spread of the Indian bead market is the fact that every buyer (whether it be a small shopkeeper or a wholesale businessman) can satisfy his needs of beads through the Indian market. Normally people dealing in wholesale beads keep a great variety of beads under a single roof which makes it easy for the buyer.
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Learn How Handcrafted Beaded Jewelry is Made

Handcrafted beaded jewelry is jewelry that is handmade using beads and a material to hold the beads together. The handcrafted beaded jewelry includes rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, belts, anklets, pendants, children's jewelry, bridal jewelry sets and other jewelry sets. The beads found in beaded jewelry can be manufactured from a variety of materials.

The beads that are used to make the jewelry may be glass, crystal, wooden, ceramic, metal, pearl or stone. There are bead artists who create customized beads from different materials. It is possible to create birthstone jewelry with beads since precious and semi-precious stones are used to make beads. One piece of jewelry may have different varieties and sizes of beads used in its creation. For instance, a southwestern style necklace may have different sized silver, turquoise and coral beads on its strands.

Depending on the pattern or instructions that are used to make beaded jewelry, the jewelry item may have been woven. When handcrafted beaded jewelry is woven, the bead artist is able to create pictures on the item. A woven bracelet may have a depiction of roses against a leafy background on it or any other picture that is desired by the artist or customer. A bead artist can be very creative with woven jewelry in a similar way as the quilter or painter. It is possible to weave beads into different shapes that will suit the purpose of the ornament.

In that case, needles and a strong beading thread are used to weave the beads by hand or with a loom. The result will be a flat piece of beadwork. The flat beadwork is versatile and can be as tiny or large as the bead artist desires. If a small rectangular piece has two edges sewn together, it can be used to form a small bag as a pendant. A long woven piece of beadwork may be left flat to serve as a belt. If the two long edges are sewn together, the result is a beaded pipe form that can be used to create handsome necklaces or bracelets.

Thin wire can be used to create jewelry instead of the needle and thread. When wire is used for stringing beads, the jewelry is sturdier than the threaded beads. There is less room for creativity with the wired beads since they can only be strung on the wire but the simplicity of manufacture does not lessen the beauty of finely made beaded jewelry.

Handcrafted beaded jewelry is valued for its elegance and the hard work that goes into their manufacture. Bead artists need good eyesight, a steady hand and patience to create their jewelry. The many hours that a bead artist needs to create their jewelry are appreciated by anyone who has ever tried to use beads to make jewelry.

Many handcrafted items of beaded jewelry are one of a kind pieces that will not be duplicated again. Many collectors of handcrafted beaded jewelry can enjoy their jewelry decades after their purchase since the handcrafted beauty of the jewelry never goes out of style.
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Fashion Beaded Jewelry Designs Getting Popular

The price of the beaded necklace also depends on the color of stone used, using more than two color stones in jewelry might make an expensive piece of jewelry a cheaper one. One color is preferable, mixed in with a natural color such as silver or gold. Beaded jewelry will surely make you look stunning & eye catching. One of the benefits of gem stones is that each gem stone is unique, with distinctive visual features captured inside each stone.

Combine numerous gem stones into a piece of beaded jewelry and you have a spectacular item that is truly unique. Today is the world of internet buying & selling. The internet has made things so convenient to shop, and buying wholesale costume jewelry is just one of them. Buying jewelry online opens up the doors for literally everyone around the world. Now you don’t have to travel from one city to another for finding different variety of jewelry.

You can easily purchase it online from your home or office and make a purchase with a click of the mouse. Beaded jewelry has a wide variety of styles and designs from traditional to the latest designs. Fine beaded jewelry adds elegance to your persona. Many a type of earrings, bracelets and necklaces made in the antique style are all available with the jewelers online.

There are many types of beads such as craft beads, big beads and little beads, made of glass, plastic or matter which, these fall in the category of affordable price. You can also find beads in various styles & designs in sterling silver. Beadwork can be simple or extravagant, cheap or expensive, depending on what kind of supplies you purchase and what you're intending to design. Wholesalers of Fashion Imitation Jewelry in India Delhi

Buy purchasing beads in wholesale offers reseller’s high profit margins along with high volume sales. When we talk about beaded jewelry, many beautiful items come into mind like bracelets, Necklaces and Earrings, Diamond bangle bracelets and so on. In today s era, when world is like a village, every shop is just a few clicks away. Technology changes our shopping style too. Whether you are wholesale importer or thinking about shopping in bulk for any occasion, it is very difficult to select one shop for yourself. Wholesale Jewelry Delhi India

There are lots and lots of online shops available but you need to learn how to find the best one. There are so many search engines available that can be used to surf the online market .You can use keywords to search for jewelry of your requirement on these search engines. Wholesale beaded jewelry pieces are readily available online & some suppliers provide good wholesale prices for their products. You can surely make a fair deal by choosing a good seller.

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Beaded Jewelry – the Latest Fad

The latest craze is to have jewelry made of various types of beads in different sizes, textures and colors. The more beaded the jewelry the better it is as your outfits look gets changed to causal.

You may buy beaded jewelry from local shops or you may make your own by utilizing craft beads. Local craft shops namely Michaels, AC Moore and some other have a wide selection of superb quality and economical prices for the beads they sell. It is unimportant if you are experienced or novice working with beads, you can find beads, findings, wires, threads, tools and anything else you require to make stunning jewelry and door pieces for your home.

Craft beads may be plastic pony beads, fabric beads, paper beads, pearl, glass to swarovski crystals and any other thing. Shops which sell beads generally have a large collection of thousands of various types and sizes of beads.

Some of the more popular types of craft beads include Bead Heaven, Elegance collections, crystal Innovations, Better beads, Elite better beads, Fancy Finery, Westrim, Blue Moon and Bead gallery assortments. A large selection of bead and jewelry making kits, which are just right for beginners, are also available. These kits have everything you require including an instructions book to get you started.

As with any craft you have to get proper tools. You may buy them individually or in sets. If you are unsure whether you will like to continue making things with beads and are reluctant to invest in beginning. The alternate is you may take special training class at the bead store. They will provide you tools to work with and if you get interested you can than buy your own tools for your new hobby.

The craft store can also give you many ideas for your bead projects. It has no importance whether you take classes or work independently with a pre-arranged kit, or if you buy a book, you will have unlimited ideas of you own craft bead jewelry. You may make sets which will have necklace, bracelet, earrings and pin and each set will be totally yours which is a special kind of jewelry.

You might have doubts whether you are talented enough to make your own jewelry or home décor items with craft beads, but you can know only if you try to join a class and start with small items. As your skills improve you can try more complicated projects.

Before you are aware, you will be making your own jewelry and home décor items and everyone will be asking where you have purchased your jewelry from. And you might start your own business of making jewelry for other people to purchase. The opportunities are endless and the limit is only your imagination for using craft beads. You can set up our own jewelry making business and it may turn out to be profitable venture. Since, you are well aware that there is a great demand for handmade products in United States of America.

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Making Beaded Jewelry Is Easy to Do

Making beaded jewelry is an inexpensive and fun hobby that nearly anyone can do. The materials needed are readily accessible and cost very little money. Aside from the requisite thread, needle and the beads, there are also some other materials that the hobbyist can use in making this kind of jewelry. Hobbyists can also experiment with various beading techniques to make interesting and unique creations.

There are several techniques involved in making beaded jewelry. Stringing is one, and wire-working with beads is another. Various types of string are available: cords, plastic, twine. Additionally, silk and nylon threads can also be utilized in making this special kind of jewelry. Using hemp fiber in beaded jewelry making is a nice touch. It makes for an unusual product and would also be a great topic for conversation. Wire of various thicknesses is another popular option. Additionally, wire is used to make jewelry items such as necklaces, hairpins and earrings, and to attach clasps.

Beads for jewelry come in all shapes and forms as well. In spite of beaded jewelry's reputation for being inexpensive, a person can also use precious gemstones like pearls and precious metals, such as gold and silver, to make beaded dress accessories. For beginners, however, less costly materials are widely available for making this kind of jewelry: glass, crystal, coral, to name a few. Whatever materials the artist uses, he or she is easily able to customize the type of jewelry to be worn personally, given as a gift, or sold to beaded jewelry enthusiasts.

To enhance the overall visual effect of the beads, a number of knotting and stitching techniques are recommended. There are simple knots and stitches for beginners, and with practice, they will be able to progress to the more complicated and fancier methods used in making this kind of jewelry. It's interesting to note that knots have mystical connotations in some cultures. For some East Indians, knots can be used to curse a person. In Gypsy lore, it is important to untie knots in the clothing of a woman in childbirth. And the expression 'tying the knot' derives from the ancient Romans, when the groom would untie the knots of his bride's girdle before consummating the marriage. In which case, it should be 'untying the knot.'

In the ancient past, beaded jewelry was used to denote wealth and social status where only the highest class of society was allowed to wear them. Thankfully, this is not so today and beaded jewelry can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Making beaded jewelry is an activity that requires no special training and technical skills. Creativity, fun and dedication are the only prerequisites in making these highly fashionable items.
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How to Get Started Making Glass Bead Jewelry

To start creating your glass bead jewelry first setup a proper workstation. A proper workstation is one that will allow you to be both creative and productive. Glass bead jewelry making is meticulous, yet fun and enjoyable work, so you will spend many wonderful hours designing your creations. Therefore it is important that your workstation provides you with proper lighting and comfortable seating.

Next, you will need to have lots of handmade glass beads, so you won’t run out of beads in the middle of designing a piece of jewelry. Handmade glass beads are more uniquely design and finer in quality than cheap machine made beads. The best place to get handmade glass beads is directly from an experienced glass bead jewelry artist, such as DK An experienced glass bead jewelry artist saves you both time and money by creating the unique glass beads for you. So you don’t have to worry about learning the art of making glass beads or incurring the extra cost for the required equipment.

Finally you will need to have the following materials if you don’t already:

Heavyweight flexible beading wire – for stringing your glass beads. For maximum flexibility a 49 strand beading wire works best.

Sterling silver clasps either lobster or toggle clasp – to securely fasten your glass bead necklaces or bracelets. For earrings you will need sterling silver or gold earwire.

Sterling silver is recommended so you don’t have to worry about tarnishing.

Swarovski crystals – in a variety of colors to place between beads and help create unique designs. Swarovski crystals add sparkle power and value to your handmade jewelry.

A variety of pliers – round nose, chain nose, flat nose, a good pair of nippers, and a cripper. If you are just starting out as a jewelry artist and you are not able to obtain all of the needed pliers at once then you can initially get by with just the round nose and chain nose pliers.

Now that you have the minimum supplies and tools you need to get started creating your handmade glass bead jewelry, it is time to start designing. If you are finding it rather difficult to create your first jewelry pattern, it is a good idea to attend a class about making glass bead jewelry. The best classes are those taught by actual jewelry artists. If you would like to attend such a class, visit DK
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Things you Need for Bead Jewelry Making

Bead jewelry making is an activity that can be done by anyone, even if they haven’t been particularly trained to do beadwork. In other words, there is no level of skill forced upon you in order to complete an incredible decorative necklace or pair of earrings made out of beads. The number one advantage of creating your own jewelry or ornaments is the fact that they can be 100% original. Your creativity together with the benefits of the online shops which allow you to buy almost anything regarding jewelry making supplies will assist you to create unique pieces. If you are not interested in creating jewelry and simply want to buy wholesale beads, by visiting you will certainly find a wide range of beads from where you can take your desired pick(s).

When you get involved with jewelry making, experience is always a plus. In case you are not inspired, then you should make sure to have close at hand specific patterns to work on and, if possible, a tutorial to help you through the process, particularly if you are a beginner. Concerning the beadwork patterns, make a simple choice if you are a novice. You will also need thread, i.e. beading thread. Don’t use sewing thread or dental floss – they will break easily. Many bead makers favor C-Lon and Nymo types of beading thread. They are fairly resistant, even in high humidity circumstances. In addition, beading needles are a must: you will use them to pass the thread through the beads.

It is preferable to approach jewelry making in a “step by step” manner, but with imaginative enthusiasm. The results won’t be disappointing and you might discover yourself as an artist. As soon as you finish your first ornaments, you will feel more confident and attracted to future beadwork possibilities. In case you consider you’re not very skilled in jewelry making, can supply you with already stringed wholesale beads according to your taste. The amazing crafts will surely catch your attention and you might even find yourself in a difficult position of not knowing what exactly to choose from so many wonderful offers.

The key to successful bead making consists in the beads you’ll use. The choice is yours and the result depends on the material, the texture and color of the beads. By taking a look at the wholesale beads available on the above mentioned website you will be delighted to discover a world of gemstones, glass beads, crystal, plastic, wood or even sterling silver and gold beads. Attractive through color and shape these wholesale beads themselves can be a source of inspiration in creating some particular decorative item.

Because obviously no beadwork can be completed without beads, you should check out the available wholesale beads that interest you above all without leaving aside the other possibilities you have. It’s good if you know exactly what you want to purchase, but a second look at the other options might determine you to change your mind. Temptation is at every turn. And you might even realize the wholesale beads you bought now can be of help and an inspiration later on while jewelry making and while paying attention to the creative process.

Since you are buying wholesale beads, you will most likely be at an advantage: you will get them in cost-effective terms and in amounts that guarantee you can go ahead with your jewelry making without interruption caused by the lack of beads.

Finally, the workspace where you create your ornaments is very important. This means that you will need quality lighting conditions, particularly if you wear eyeglasses or if you feel that at a certain point during your work, your eyes sore - it is a clear sign that either you are tired so it’s time you took a break or lighting conditions are not appropriate. Jewelry making can be a particularly meticulous occupation. Attention to details is a must and you need to be able to notice everything.

Other measures you should approach out of caution concern the amount of beads you have at hand. It is preferable that you don’t get cheap about the amount of beads you purchase. There is nothing more unpleasant than finding that you are left with no beads just when you’ve managed to get a bit accustomed with bead threading or when you are close to the “finish line”.
Also, make sure that you have some spare needles. A single needle might get lost or misplaced. At times, it may even break should it come in rough contact with some other objects. So, in order to prevent a sudden interruption caused by your need to go to the nearest shop and buy another beading needle, it is best to stay on the safe side and secure a “supply” of needles and of wholesale beads prior to any potentially unpleasant event. Finally, you can start your work on the beadwork pattern. Good luck!

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Beaded Jewelry - Charming and Gorgeous Beaded Jewelry Sets

Beaded jewelry has become very popular recently and a range of articles are now being made in this category. These include beautiful eyeglass chains, cell phone fobs, key rings, bookmarks and traditional items like earrings, bracelets and necklaces. One can find an entire collection of lovely jewelry sets consisting of earrings, necklaces and pendants on the internet. All these articles are made by using high quality beads, colorful Swarovski crystals and gorgeous semi-precious gemstones. Many people prefer these sets as they come very inexpensive as compared to the individual costs of all the jewelry articles included in these sets.

You can find one such jewelry set which is not only unique but absolutely stunning. It is made of bronzite which is rarely seen in contemporary jewelry articles. The beads are brown in color and come in a variety of shapes including pearl, triangle tube, flat oval, oval rice, dime, flat square, lentil and flat rectangle. All these beads can be used to make lovely necklaces and complementing earrings. Some sets are also composed of matching rings or bands. Bronzite beads are available on wholesale and can be bought for making your own beaded articles at home.

A gorgeous beaded jewelry set can be given as an excellent and unforgettable gift to the woman in your life. Women prefer unique and different things and they love colorful beaded bracelets and exceptional necklaces. Another advantage of buying such a gift is that it is not very expensive and you can get one according to your taste and style. Various artworks such as intricate lampwork and stunning wire techniques are used to make these lovely jewelry articles. Furthermore, beads in exciting colors can be chosen such as dark indigo, mocca, Indian pink, etc.

Beaded sets are available in a range of different colors including blue, green, yellow, black, white, brown and red. You can also make your own beaded jewelry sets at home by utilizing a few tools and materials. For this you can check out the extensive collection of beads, crystals and loose gemstones online. In addition to beads you can also make use of Italian and Pandora charms to enhance the design of your jewelry articles. Italian seed beads and Chamilia glass beads are very popular among contemporary jewelry designers. These beads come in a variety of designs and shapes. You can give your beaded bracelets and necklaces a theme such as religious, patriotic, sports, or travel.

Hanging charms and enamel beads are often utilized in the making of beaded jewelry sets. Enamel beads are widely available on the internet and come very inexpensive. You can use them for a variety of jewelry making projects. Glass beads also look lovely and beautiful. In addition to these, Swarovski crystals which are available in a range of exciting colors and shapes can also be used. These crystals are commonly employed by renowned jewelry designers all over the world to make modern and attractive jewelry articles and sets. Some people also use rhinestones to make their bracelets and earrings more alluring and gorgeous.

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Beaded Jewelry - How to Find Lovely Designer Beaded Jewelry

Skillfully handcrafted designer beaded jewelry is not difficult to find nowadays. Due to the massive growth of the internet in recent years hundreds of creative jewelry designers from all over the world now display their beautiful work online. One can locate such a jewelry store and buy as many jewelry articles as they want. On these websites you will find all kinds of jewelry articles including bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Some designers create wonderful beaded accessories such as eyeglass chains and cell phone fobs. One can also find different types of beads and crystals on wholesale to try making these lovely jewelry articles at home.

Handmade jewelry articles are often based on a theme. Antique and vintage themes are quite popular and well-liked by men and women of all ages. In addition to this, seasonal and holiday jewelry articles are also appreciated all over the world. Beautiful colored beads are used on these types of beaded articles to give an overall effect of summer, winter, spring or autumn. Falling leaves in gorgeous orange and cool summer breeze are popular ideas for making lovely beaded articles. You will find many themes in designer handmade jewelry which make them even more striking and wonderful.

Many of the beaded jewelry designers offer free shipping on a purchase of jewelry worth over $50 or $100. Individual bracelets and necklaces are available in the price range of $20 to $50, whereas jewelry sets can be found in the range of $70 to $150 depending on the materials used. Some designers also make use of pure 18k gold in their beaded articles. These bracelets, necklaces and earrings are a bit more costly. If you are looking for affordable designer jewelry, check out the gorgeous sterling silver collection. Stainless steel and titanium jewelry is also available in the designer category.

Designer beaded jewelry is sometimes categorized as chunky jewelry sets, birthstone jewelry, bracelets and anklets, glass jewelry, fossil jewelry, pendant necklaces, survivor bracelets, magnetic bracelets and necklaces, and wedding jewelry. In addition to these, you can also narrow down you search by specifying the color and the material you are looking for. Rare gemstones like cat’s eye, garnet, goldstone, sponge coral, sodalite, peridot and jasper are often used to make these beautiful and one-of-a-kind jewelry articles. You can also find mesmerizing Swarovski crystals in exotic colors, such as copper, Indian pink, brilliant white and emerald green.

Survivor and hope bracelets are becoming popular for spreading awareness of various diseases like breast cancer. These bracelets are made by using special charms and various colored beads. Big and chunky beaded bracelets and necklaces are loved by young girls. These bracelets are made by using large gemstones and crystals. In addition to this, borosilicate glass beaded jewelry is also very popular across the globe. This type of jewelry comes in unique and exciting designs. Grand Canyon and teardrop glass beads are exceptional and very special. If you are looking for unique gift ideas you can check out these extraordinary designer jewelry articles which are easily available on the internet.
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2009 Beads Jewelry Fashion Trends Forecast

Spring of 2009 is right around the corner and there’s no better time to plan for the upcoming bead jewelry trends than right now, before the 2009 spring and summer seasons really begin! Predicting future fashion and jewelry trends is always a little bit of a game, but I’ve been reading a lot of fashion magazines, listening to my customers that visit my bead jewelry display table and generally talking to people about what they are looking for. There are some definite trends for 2009 and here are some of the things I’m hearing:

Colorful and Natural

I have seen some emphasis on "nature" influences which sometimes shows itself in the materials such as wood or stone beads use in jewelry, but I’ve also seen a lot more "flower" and "leaf" shaped beads and pendants on the scene. Any sort of botanical or organic looking jewelry pieces or beads are still popular from what I’ve seen. I don’t make much, but I’ve actually had people asked me if I have anything that has "natural warmth".

Big and Beautiful

It sounds like the days of dainty shiny pieces of metal jewelry are gone for the moment and the big and colorful gemstone jewelry and beads are still pretty hot right now. People are still asking for more “chunky” jewelry, sometimes with larger stones and crystals that catch the eye, sometimes with asymmetrical patterns or at least oddly cut beads and gemstones.

Cocktail Rings

If you're shopping, wearing or making rings, consider “rings with bling!” Cocktail rings are generally over-the-top diamond or gemstone rings that are overly colorful, shiny and, yes, sometimes a bit gaudy. But that’s part of the fun! These go along with the bright and bold bead jewelry you might be wearing and could even match or compliment it with similar gemstones or beads. You can make cocktail rings with gemstone beads, crystal beads or just about any other shiny materials.

Charms and Pendants

Again, going with the bold and bright bead jewelry, what stands out more than a beautiful chain that meets with a large bold diamond or gemstone charm or pendant on the end?

Modern Metals

Yes, natural and chunky are in, but there is still room for metals in beaded jewelry, especially when it is sleek and modern looking or even mixed with natural materials like wood and stone beads. There are always people who like the more “modern” beads and jewelry as opposed to the more traditional bead jewelry designs. You can buy modern beads for jewelry making or you can go for a more unique look and actually make

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Beaded Jewelry - Unique and Classy Beaded Jewelry for Men and Women

Beaded jewelry comes in a range of exciting colors and designs. Jewelry designers make use of lovely beads, beautiful crystals and rare gemstones to create wonderful and one-of-a-kind jewelry articles. This type of jewelry can be found for both men and women. Men’s jewelry is mostly composed of beaded watches, bracelets and necklaces. Copper, silver, black, gray and brown colors are common in men’s jewelry articles. Custom-designed beaded articles for men and women are also quite popular in all parts of the world. In this article we will discuss some unique and classy jewelry designs for both sexes.

Most of the time organic and natural materials are used in the making of beaded bracelets, earrings and necklaces. These materials include wood, shell, glass, etc. Some designers also make use of charms and pendants in gold and sterling silver to enhance the beauty of their jewelry articles. Using a large gemstone in place of pendant is a unique idea. Such necklaces look truly magnificent. These articles can be found in a variety of colors pertaining to different gemstones which are found naturally, such as aquamarine, green emerald, agate, turquoise, tiger eye, and jasper.

Italian Figaro chains are quite popular in men’s jewelry. These chains can be complemented with beautiful beads and crystals to give them a look of beaded jewelry. Beaded lanyards and key rings are liked by men of all ages. These articles are made of genuine leather with distinguishing materials such as silver beads and smoky quartz. Unique key rings in this category can also be found made of exceptional and beautiful semi-precious gemstones set in 14k gold or sterling silver. Double-strand and hematite magnetic bracelets for men are also used as trendy and stylish jewelry articles.

For women there is an entire range of beaded jewelry available out there. This includes bracelets, anklets, eyeglass leads, earrings, pendant necklaces, bangles, and jewelry sets. One can also find long necklaces in this category with double and triple strands. Beaded articles for women are available in a multitude of thrilling and exotic colors. Such jewelry articles can be easily matched with an outfit. Multi-color beaded bracelets and anklets look lovely and attractive. This type of chunky jewelry is particularly liked by young girls in their teens and women in their early twenties. Amber jewelry for women which comes in a beautiful golden honey color is well-liked by women belonging to all age groups.

Crochet beaded jewelry for women is gaining in popularity because of its individuality and elegance. You can also try making such jewelry articles at home. Complete step by step instructions can be found on the internet along with hundreds of beautiful free designs and patterns. These jewelry articles can be given as lovely presents. Many people like to collect exceptional jewelry made of rare gemstones and beads. Holiday jewelry, Valentine’s Day jewelry and patriotic jewelry can also be located in this category for both men and women. In addition to these, you can narrow down your search by specifying the gemstone you are looking for or checking out the exclusive Swarovski crystal gallery.
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Beaded and Traditional Jewellery of India

Marriages in India are synonymous to jewellery. The traditional jewellery of India is what makes the Indian weddings so rich and unique in their own manner. There are exclusive designs and works which complete the traditional look of the jewellery. The traditional gold jewellery is passed on for generations and families hold jewellery made many decades ago. The different jewellery includes armlets, bracelets, bangles, necklaces, earrings, fingerings, toe rings, nose rings, anklets, pendants and waistbands.

Different regions and cultures follow their unique designs and works. The south is known for its extensive temple based large deigns, the north is known for its exclusive carved designs, the west is known for its mirrored and stoned works and the east is famous for its beaded work. Many trends are taken from the Middle East regions but the designing is unique.

Pair of toe rings is a symbol of a married girl. These toe rings are usually made of silver and can even be studded with a stone. There are different styles of nose rings worn by women of different cultures. In the north they were large nose rings, sometimes the nose rings are bigger than the bangles they wear. The larger nose ring denotes the wealth of the husband. In the west nose rings are called nath, they are made of pearls and stones. Necklaces of traditional temple designs or the eminent kolhapuri sajh designs are sought after. North Indians cherish the traditional panchangal, which is a five ring connected gold jewellery for all the fingers in a hand. The waistband also known as kamarband is made out of gold or silver and is studded with precious stones. Earrings come in varied designs and types; there is the traditional long jhukams, which are long and bulky with detailed designing. The anklet is of two types; moveable and immovable. The flexible ones are made by joining rings of the metal, usually silver and the immovable ones are made like bangles with a gap to fit into the leg. The traditional Indian jewellery dates long back and is still famed for its design. These popular works are one of the sought after designs worldwide.

Many of the traditional designs are available only in certain places. Thus buying them online makes more sense. online jewellery shopping saves time and gets you the specific design you have longed for. There are different kinds of designing techniques. Some of them are Filigree, Meena and Kundan works. Filigree work involves minute designing; this work is mostly done on silver. Silver is carved into very thin wires and the design is made by molding the wires. Meena work involves filling the metallic design with different colours. This renowned design is famous from the Rajasthan. Kundan work is made out of precious stones and joined by gold or silver. This work is so famed that it is being made by oxidized metals and false stones and is a trendsetter since ages.

The benefits of online jewellery shopping not only limited to cost saving and time saving factors but it is also a convenient mode that carries different attractive offers and discounts that is quite important while shopping for a jewelry. Moreover, some sites on internet are selling jewelries for general public and for dealers that increases the choice for buyers to look out for best deal.

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Beaded Jewelry Birthday Presents For Little Girls

Birthdays are important marks in our lives. This is our own big day! We look forward to this every year. For a little girl's birthday, it makes a big difference when Beaded jewellery is given. She will grow up having the appreciation for jewellery.

Perhaps the reason for this is because they are shiny, little, colorful and fun. Receiving jewellery enables kids to appreciate and understand the essence of beautiful objects. They develop a talent to appreciate beauty from presents they receive.

These days, the little category of children's jewellery presents has become more popular especially if these are given on very important occasions such as birthdays.

An ideal gift for a special little girl is a unique and customized charm bracelets. These can be made of any material. The best are made of sterling silver 14k gold and Beads. Charm bracelets bring out a little girls' creativity as she can mix and match this with any charms she desires. Charms come in different sizes and figures. They are almost anything imaginable such shoes, hearts, butterflies, cartoon characters and a lot more. Commonly, charms are painted with enamel. The more expensive ones have gemstones and other materials incorporated in them. Charm bracelets have the potential to be the most relished item. But you have to make sure that the locks or clasps are well designed to prevent it from getting lost.

kids' earrings should not be forgotten when thinking of giving kids jewellery gifts. The best options are 14k gold as little girls would love the feel and the look of this precious metal. Compared to 18k gold earrings that adults wear, kids' earrings are lighter and fun which makes it perfect when worn at school, at home or anywhere else. Like charms, they also come in various designs.

The little girls will surely love wearing these as they come in different sizes and shapes like teddy bears, hearts, ladybugs, butterflies, cats, dogs and anything that you can imagine. Others come in simple designs or mounted with diamonds, pearls or birthstones.

Giving your kids with children's jewellery may cost more than the traditional and common presents that we used to give. But the feeling of giving something that is meaningful and lasting is priceless. The best thing about this is that jewellery gift will last forever.

So, when that special little girl outgrows her first jewellery item, she can keep this and save it and later on pass it to her own kids.

This informational article was brought to you by the people who offer you lovely children's jewellery and who also have a range of stunning silver jewellery for women and men.

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