Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Review of The Bead Retreat Income Opportunity

Bead Retreat is a new concept in home parties. There is a never ending array of home party businesses cropping up around the world. There are home decorating parties, food parties, even candle parties. And there are craft parties. Welcome to Bead Retreat, a home party business that allows the customers the opportunity to create beautiful piece of beaded jewelry.

Started in 2001, Bead Retreat began from the love of making beaded jewelry between friends Cindi Swett and Lesa Shepherd. One was making jewelry as a hobby, the other to use in her direct sales program as items for sale. As people asked both ladies where they got the beautiful jewelry each was wearing, the friends realized they could start a business teaching others how to enjoy this simple and fun hobby. The company Bead Retreat was born. They went on to become involved in the Dignity U Wear Foundation program, and $5.00 of each sale of the Dignity U bracelets goes to the foundation to provide new clothing to needy children and their families. The company is a part of the Direct Sellers Association.

Referring to their parties as 'bead retreats', the company offers a full line of beads and bead accessories necessary to create a unique piece of jewelry at a party. Kits are also available and there are six levels of hostess incentives that can be attained. Bead Retreat guests are able to make their piece of jewelry in an hour or less with the guidance and assistance of the party coordinator. Guests of the bead retreat will pay a fee of $10.00 plus the cost of the kit they have selected prior to the party to cover the cost of the piece of jewelry they will make.

There are also supplemental items available as the company promotes specials. Prices for beads, supplies, and kits are currently unavailable as the .PDF version of the main catalog is not properly downloading for viewing. The supplemental catalog, however, featuring the fall 2007 line, will download, although very slow. Prices in the supplemental catalog start as low as $5.00 for an earring kit and go as high as $29.00 for an intricate necklace kit.

Coordinators are the Bead Retreat sales representatives who help a hostess put on a party. Coordinators immediately earn 23% commission on all product sales with the first party they conduct. They also receive $10.00 per guest for each party. There are also other incentives but the company requests that the prospective coordinator contact them for more information. A new coordinator incentive program is offered to help the coordinator gain needed supplies, such as design boards, display pieces, and extra beads.

Two starter kits are offered, one for $79.00 and one for $175.00 with enough supplies to start the home party business immediately. Bead Retreat trains their coordinators how to do the basic paperwork as well as the techniques required to make the beaded jewelry. Monthly team meetings and two annual conferences are also offered to help the coordinator keep on top of the company's last trends and techniques.

A unique home selling party concept, Bead Retreat is perfect for the prospective coordinator who has a love of craft and jewelry. The starter kits are well stocked and this could easily be a lucrative business venture in the hands of a creative person who has the time and inclination to teach others.
Further Reading:
For More quality and unique Information on the topic of Beaded Jewellery, please visit the following reference site:

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